So I mentioned that I am evaluating a TRX suspension system, by Fitness Anywhere, via a 12-week fitness program. Today was Day 44.

The day started with me really feeling the effects of yesterday’s run. My calves were really sore. Why were they sore? Well, I ran 2 miles and am not a runner. Also, I am using a natural running technique — running on the forefoot, rather than the heel-striking method promoted by the squishy running shoe industry.


You can check out folks who have done their research for more information, but the basic idea is that the human foot is evolved to run a certain way, and the squishy running shoes promote a non-natural running technique, which can lead to injury. Since I am just starting out, I’d rather start off on the right foot, ha ha! But my initial learning curve might be a bit more difficult than the easy path of the running shoes, since you need to build up muscles in the foot and leg, especially the calves, because shoes tend to let some leg and foot muscles atrophy due to non-use.

I don’t want to cut my feet, so instead of running barefoot I am starting out with Vibram FiveFingers. Here’s a short video showing the heel-striking squishy running shoe technique compared to a more natural form:

I am trying to work up to running 10 miles in the Vibrams — I may have to take the easy way out though and resort to squishy running shoes if I can’t build up my leg muscles in time for the Virginia 10-miler.

But that was just the effects from yesterday’s workout. Today I started out with 4 sets of Turkish Getups, 2 with the 40# kettlebell, and 2 with the 24KG kettlebell. Then I did 6 sets of 5 snatches with the 24KG kettlebell, on the minute, followed by 10 sets of 10 swings with the 32 KG kettlebell, also on the minute.

Then I did the TRX strength component — Day 2 of Week 7 of the TRX FORCE program. This also saw an increase in the number of repetitions per set, a decrease in rest between sets, and a decrease in rest between exercises. Perhaps it is because I am doing a kettlebell workout immediately before the TRX exercises, but today’s 40 suspended rows really hurt, and I was really wiped by the end oblique pikes.

Onwards and upwards, though some pain and discomfort may be experienced.

Be Amazing Feel Amazing - Kettlebells