So I mentioned that I am evaluating a TRX suspension system, by Fitness Anywhere, via a 12-week fitness program. Today is a summary of Day 39 and 40.
On Day 39 I felt really crappy — no energy and splitting headache. Headaches especially do not mix with lifting heavy weights, especially kettlebells. So rather than risk injury, I managed a set of 5 x 3 cleans with Big Red, the 32KG kettlebell, and then moved on to a TRX strength set – day 1 of week 6. Nothing spectacular — just tried to get through the sets.
Day 40 was a better — no headache! So I did 6 sets of 5,5 snatches on the minute w/ 24KG kettlebell, 5×5 goblet squats w/ 32KG kettlebell, TRX Day 40 strength workout, and finished with 3 sets of 3,3 presses w/ 24KG kettlebell.
One small measure of progress is that now I can get through all the above back-to-back, which takes about an hour, whereas two months ago I was having trouble getting through 20-min kettlebell workouts.
I was very winded by the sixth set of snatches, but really tried to lock in the corrections I received. The Goblet Squats felt pretty solid, and I felt solid through the TRX strength workout, though those suspended oblique pikes always seem to kill me at the end. And I did the kettlebell presses to lock-in corrections I received. They must be working, because I never fell into a dead zone with my left arm like before. It is amazing what a simple correction by an RKC can do!
Finally, some folks have asked me about the TRX — just what is it? Well, feel free to click on the above image of the TRX package contents and you will be taken to the TRX website, but below is a video of just an example of two exercises being combined into one compound exercise. Note that the Body Saw and the Pike are intermediate exercises, and combining them together is extra tough — these exercises individually aren’t introduced in the FORCE program until weeks 5 and 6, so you should really only attempt them after you’ve built up your core a bit. Anyway, here’s Fraser demonstrating the Body Saw and Pike combo: