Norton Island Writers Workshop: Departure

Saturday was departure day for most of us. One group left *way* early in the morning to catch early flights, while the other group left mid-morning, once Rob returned from dropping off the early group.

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Norton Island Writers Workshop: Day 5

Although all the preceding days of the workshop were great, today was a day of big events.

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Norton Island Writers Workshop: Day 4

As I mentioned in the last post, most of us spent yesterday taking a break to explore the island.

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Norton Island Writers Workshop: Day 3

So in my last post I mentioned what a great group we had at the workshop.

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Norton Island Writers Workshop: Day 2

The weather today was not so rainy, so we met for lecture (after a hasty breakfast + last minute reading of everyone’s manuscripts + sneaking in a shower) in West Camp, which is also the home of the island owner.

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Norton Island Writers Workshop: Day 1

For our first full day on the island (for most of us), we were welcomed to Maine with a day of rain, and were welcomed to living off-the-grid when Internet for the island went down.

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