
Rivet Geometric Area Rug: With Couch

The Rivet Geometric Area Rug is a hand-tufted, medium-pile rug with a blue and ivory geometric pattern. The rug weighs about 22 pounds, measures 5 x 8 feet. A medium-pile rug (.3 to .5 inches) is best for medium-to-high traffic areas.


Rivet Geometric Area Rug: Back of Rug

The rug is 100% polyester. The stitching and overall feel of the rug seems high quality and it vacuumed without shedding a lot of fibers.


Rivet Geometric Area Rug: Close Up

The rug has a bright blue and ivory geometric pattern. In addition, as seen in the product photos on Amazon and in my close-up pic, the blue color has variations. To me the blue color variations remind me of clouds in a blue sky–I think it adds an artistic quality to the rug and looks nice in my house.


Rivet Geometric Area Rug: With Couch

All in all I am quite happy with the Rivet Geometric Area Rug. We originally thought the rug would work under our kitchen table, but preferred it under our couch once we walked across it. Visually the rug adds artistic flare to the room. Moreover, it feels soft and plush under my feet. Great rug!

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