This Leather Messenger Bag from Oak Leathers is genuine leather and large enough to hold a 15" laptop. The bag comes with a leather adjustable shoulder strap with brass buckle hardware. The strap is not padded, though if the strap is shortened enough the resulting double-thickness of leather is an improvement over just the single thickness. The bag depth is a little over 3.5", the width is 15", and the height is about 12." While you might be able to squeeze in a slightly larger laptop, this would strain the bag and I would not recommend it.
The leather on the bag is quite soft–no break-in period is necessary. The bag is made from panels with single rows of stitching. The brown leather is smooth with slight variations in tanning–the overall vintage look is classy enough to be used in corporate or academic settings. Due to the leather’s softness and thinness, it is not clear how durable the bag will be. The outside front of the bag has a zippered pocket with an opening about 11.5" and a full-width zipper closes the bag. All exterior zipper pulls are leather.
The inside of the bag and pockets are lined with a brown material that feels like cotton fabric. There is a padded divider separating the interior into two full-width sections. One section, meant for your laptop, has a leather tab that secures with velcro, though the velcro section is not large so it might not secure well a heavy laptop. The second section has a zippered pocket on the interior of the back side of the bag. There is no padding on the exterior wall, so I recommend also using a padded laptop sleeve.
Overall, this Leather Messenger Bag looks great, the leather feels soft, and quality hardware fittings and zippers were used. The bag is perfect if you need a light duty messenger bag to carry just a laptop along with a few notebooks or papers while traveling to and from your destination in style.
- Pricing and Availability on Amazon: Leather Messenger Bag
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