
Rockjam G905 Sheet Music Stand

If you play a music instrument while reading from sheet music, you want your sheet music stand to be sturdy and reliable. The Rockjam G905 Sheet Music Stand is an all-steel reliable sheet music stand that can serve a number of purposes.


Rockjam G905 Sheet Music Stand: What's Included

The stand comes in three pieces that assemble together easily, and weighs a little over six pounds. The stand has a 475mm x 345mm tray with a lip and an angle bracket. The stand also has a height bracket to adjust the height from 940mm to 1420mm. The base of the stand is composed of three adjustable legs.


Rockjam G905 Sheet Music Stand: Back

All in all, the Rockjam G905 Sheet Music Stand is a very functional sheet music stand. The tray has two flexible metal arms with a spring elbow to keep your sheet music flat on the stand–especially useful if playing outside. The tray can be positioned at a variety of angles, including flat–I often use the stand this way to support my laptop. The variable height also makes the stand useful whether you are sitting or standing. And the holes in the steel tray means the stand is very sturdy, yet portable. For the price, this is a functional, flexible, and portable sheet music stand.

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