
Calculated Industries AccuMASTER Digital Calipers

I’ve recently started working on my own guitars and absolutely enjoy the process of changing the strings or installing new pickups, as well as just keeping the guitars in good working order. One tool that has been really handy in all of these tasks is the Calculated Industries AccuMASTER Digital Calipers.


Calculated Industries AccuMASTER Digital Calipers:front

These are 6" stainless steel digital calipers with a jumbo display and that allow you to take inside, outside, step, and depth measurements. They are accurate to 0.001 inch (0.02mm) and have a resolution of 1/64" or 0.01mm or 0.0005 inches. The display shows measurements in fraction inches, decimal inches, or millimeters.


Calculated Industries AccuMASTER Digital Calipers: Back

Note that on the top of the display is a USB port. Evidently this model uses the same body as another model which uses the USB port–the port serves no function in this model.


Calculated Industries AccuMASTER Digital Calipers: What's Included'

The calipers come in a plastic protective foam-lined case with two batteries (CR-2032)–one battery was already installed and the other is just an extra. There are instructions on a sheet of paper inserted into the lid of the case to remind you of the basic calipers functions.


Calculated Industries AccuMASTER Digital Calipers: Box Front

The thumb wheel at the top of the display allows access to the battery compartment. Beneath the display are two buttons–one button cycles between the display units (fraction inch, decimal inch, and mm) and the other button cycles between on/off and zeroes out the display in case you want a different zero reference than with the calipers closed.


Calculated Industries AccuMASTER Digital Calipers: MM

Here, the display shows millimeters.


Calculated Industries AccuMASTER Digital Calipers: Fraction Inches

Here, the display shows fraction inches.


Calculated Industries AccuMASTER Digital Calipers: Decimal Inches

Here, the display shows decimal inches.


Calculated Industries AccuMASTER Digital Calipers: Box Back

In use, the jumbo display (3/4" high and 2" wide) is very readable as long as you have a well-lit workspace–the display is not backlit. I found the thumbwheel that opens the calipers to be a little stiff, though not unworkable–I was able to take measurements with one hand just fine. I think every workshop should have a set of digital calipers, and I especially think that, for the price, woodworkers, metalworkers, machinists, engineers, hobbyists, makers, and guitarists will find the Calculated Industries AccuMASTER Digital Calipers a useful addition to the toolbox.

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