If humans do the “Down Dog” yoga pose, what do cats do?
Below are some weekend reading links for your enjoyment, perhaps while you warm up from shoveling all that snow.
- One take on why unemployment is so high yet many startups can’t find enough qualified people to hire
- Easy riders: State troopers, caught with suspect diplomas, sue state for “emotional distress”
- Travelers seem not to mind: Airline baggage fees top $2.5 billion
- Sir Terry Pratchett writes about having Alzheimer’s
- [ WATCH ] The Gods have spoken: Thor, the movie trailer
- [ WATCH ] The best explanation so far of Ireland’s financial crisis [ WARNING: this is the unvarnished truth, and an unvarnished Irishman, so there’s a LOT of swearing! NSFW ]
- [ WATCH ] The Gods have spoken: Thor, the movie trailer
- Sir Terry Pratchett writes about having Alzheimer’s
- Travelers seem not to mind: Airline baggage fees top $2.5 billion
- Easy riders: State troopers, caught with suspect diplomas, sue state for “emotional distress”