In a previous post I mentioned that my story “A Delicate Touch” won the Raw Dog Screaming Press 100 Jolts Retrospective Writing Contest, judged by Dr. Michael Arnzen.
Today my prize pack arrived, and I’ll be in a state of spooky bliss surely through Halloween, if not longer into the dark of winter.
First, I got a signed movie postcard from season one of the series Dead Like Me. This sounds like a really good series, so I’ve just added it to my wish list.
Second, I got a copy of Audiovile, an audio collection of 16 scary short stories and poems set to spooky music. I’ve listened to a couple of the stories already, and I think this audio version is a great companion to his book 100 Jolts
, which I already own. The music accompaniment to the stories in Audiovile adds a new sensory dimension to the creepiness unleashed within.
Third, I received a signed limited edition of the Bram Stoker Award winning poetry collection Freakcidents.
So, thank you again to Michael Arnzen and Raw Dog Screaming Press–what a great and unsettling prize pack, making this a Halloween to be remembered!