OK, so maybe I made a mistake.
Maybe I totally missed out on one of the best TV shows to come along in, well, forever.
I mean, who ever heard of a vampire slayer named Buffy?! After all, I was in the middle of watching The X-Files and Babylon 5
when Buffy aired on TV – who had time for a high-school girl in red leather pants with a vampire problem?
But after watching just the first two episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, I am enjoying every vamp patrol and all the resulting vampire slayage goodness.
Of course, having one of the main characters have the same surname as I do helps, as does lots of vampire killing action, plus well-written scripts, great acting, and interesting characters. And, well, the leather pants turned out to be, how should I put this, assets to the characters who wear them. I mean, I’ve commented on Buffy’s, and my wife has commented on Angel’s, so I guess there’s asset-admiring all around.
Currently we are in the middle of season 5, and tonight I hope to catch up on Buffy and the gang. You can see what you have been missing too – best to get the whole series (or at least the first seven seasons) and plan on not getting much else done for a couple of weeks.
Just don’t say I didn’t warn you.
“What can I tell you, baby? I’ve always been bad.”
—Spike, “Fool For Love”.