
Since high school I’ve worn glasses. Sure, there was a brief flirtation with contacts (too fiddly), but glasses have long been a part of my life. This made doing some activities difficult. Being very nearsighted for example, in martial arts without my glasses my opponents were just blurry figures trying to kick me in the head.

Last week that all changed when I had LASIK surgery.

Zip. Slice. Zap. Now, I can see.

To be more accurate: now I can see in the distance, but sometimes need reading glasses to, well, read.

My wife snapped this pic at aerial class a few days after surgery (eyes still puffy).

Overall, the change is wonderful. I still sometimes look for my glasses when I get up, and sometimes reach for my glasses to take them off when I go to bed. Old habits die hard. And those couple hours immediately after the surgery was like having sunburn on the eyeballs.

But man, seeing the world clearly once again is something for which I’m truly grateful.